Strengthening children's rights - Mid term evaluation report 2011
The Norwegian Lutheran Mission Mongolia (NLM-M) is implementing the Strengthening Children’s Rights Project (SCR) in selected soums and khoroos of Ulaanbaatar city and Khovd Aimag. Main objectives of the SCR project aim to promote the rights of the child and to improve situations of vulnerable children in target areas. Moreover, project activities should focus on building capacity of the target group through raising public awareness, changing behavior and attitudes regarding child rights, and conducting various advocacy actions. SCR has four components: Community development; Children in dormitories; Social work education; Advocacy work. The purpose of the evaluation was to provide an objective assessment of progress made by SCR towards its objectives and the likelihood of it meeting its overall objectives by 2013; to identify opportunities for improving performance. In addition, the evaluation was required to comment on the continued relevance of SCR to national and local development priorities. It will be used to promote organizational learning within SCR.