Mid term evaluation of the community based health and fist aid program in the occupied Palestinian territory and Lebanon
Palestinians in the West Bank and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are marginalized and deprived of many basic human rights and have limited access to state-provided services such as health, education, social services and the judicial system.The Community Based Health and First Aid Program (CBHFA) in the oPt and Lebanon is implemented by PRCS and PRCS Lebanon Branch (PRCS/L) and supported by the Norwegian and Swedish Red Cross from 2009 to 2012. The programs are based on the IFRC’s Community Based Health and First Aid in Action approach. The overall objective of the CBHFA program is to improve the health and well-being of the Palestinian population. In general the actions aim at raising awareness and enhancing knowledge on health and health related social aspects while at same time enabling the local communities to define and develop programs to respond to their health needs. Target groups include teenage girls, single women, women headed households, children and families in general.In the oPt the program is mainly implemented in rural areas where the communities have been exposed to community based interventions and PRCS disposes of a sound experience in community based health programming. The entry point for the program where community groups “Safe Motherhood Committees”. The program in Lebanon is implemented in urban areas where the partner organisation and its target communities are not used to community based programming. The community committees had to be formed at the beginning of the interventions. The purpose of the evaluation is to “(…) to assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the CBHFA program and to make recommendations for future support.”