Work programme 2009-2018 - UTDANNING Norwegian Educational Research towards 2020 – UTDANNING2020
This work programme sets out the objectives and priorities for a new, long-term educational research programme for the period 2009-2018. The Programme for Educational Research (UTDANNING2020) succeeds the Programme for Knowledge, Education and Learning (KUL) (2003-2007) and runs parallel with the Programme for Practice-based R&D in Preschool through Secondary Schools and Teacher Education (PRAKSISFOU) (2006-2010). Like these two programmes, the UTDANNING2020 programme is financed by the Ministry of Education and Research. The profile of the UTDANNING2020 programme takes its point of departure in the challenges facing the education sector and educational research. The challenges for the sector must be viewed in light of the globalisation processes of which Norway is a part and the demands being placed on education in today’s knowledge society. The expectations for the education sector are high, and the need for research that is significant for and relevant to the sector is great.
Norges forskningsråd
utdanning og forskning