Evaluation of the action plan of CNPSDSM-Mauritania between 2000 and 2003
Background NCA started to support the organisation in 1995, when it was created,and this is the first external evaluation of its interventions. An internal evaluation took place in year 2000. Purpose/objective • Summarize the activities funded by NCA between 2000 and 2004 and the results• Make recommendations for the elaboration of a new multi-year program Methodology The team used the following tools: review of documents, interviews with groups and interviews with partners. Key findings -Strong mobilisation of people around the cooperatives;-Varying degree of realisation of planned activities - satisfactory level forincome-generating activities and fencing but not for alphabetisation and wells;-Challenges in translating the vision of the organisation into concrete activities;-Problematic with too high degree of geographical dispersion;-Low degree of internal mobilisation of resources as well as weakorganisational capacity leave the organisation unprepared for disengagementfrom external support;-Need to re-focus the strategy. Recommendations -Translate the vision of the organisation into a coherent pluri-annual programbased on a problem analysis and define clear objectives and indicators. Eachyear the organisation should make an action plan based on its pluri-annualprogram;-Reduce the geographical area of intervention from 7 to 4 regions;-Review credit mechanism and financing to promote financial autonomy;-Increase focus on strengthening capacities and training as opposed tofocusing only on financing;-Increase the organisations capacity of monitoring and evaluation;-Closer collaboration with donor with regard to follow-up.