Review of the Indigenous Peoples Program in Paraguay managed by Rainforest Foundation Norway
In 2006, Norad transferred the administrative and technical follow-up responsibility of the Indigenous Peoples’ Program in Paraguay to the Rainforest Foundation Norway (RFN). The program is essentially about strengthening the capacity of indigenous organizations to be credible advocates of indigenous peoples’ rights, and has grown from four NGO counterparts in 2006 to 12 counterparts in 2010 (both NGOs and indigenous organizations). NOK 4,7 millions were allocated to the program in 2009. The program has been highly relevant to the needs and vision of the indigenous peoples and organizations, particularly regarding recuperation and protection of their ancestral territories. The program is also very relevant to the country’s own process to achieve democratic development with equity and dignity for all citizens. The program has been effective in strengthening the capacity and competence of indigenous organizations. Some of the indigenous umbrella organizations are now able to be effective advocates of indigenous peoples’ rights vis-à-vis the state. The program has contributed to the promotion and recuperation of cultural identity, leadership training and capacity development, and to significant advances in indigenous bilingual education and indigenous teachers’ training. RFN has added value regarding better planning instruments, good monitoring routines and instruments for submitting applications and reports and establishment of direct dialogue with state institutions. The current Paraguayan context still presents high risks for a program that promotes indigenous peoples’ rights. There are several external factors that could in the near future be stumbling blocks for new achievements or even inhibit the positive effects that the program has had so far. There is thus a need to incorporate a discussion on risk identification and management in the planning process.