Organisational Review of Strømme Foundation
This report is a regular Norad organisational review of the development partner Strømme Foundation (SF). SF is a Norwegian foundation based on Christian values, with a mission to eradicate poverty. SF has a framework agreement with Norad, which was signed in 2003. The organisation will be assessed for a renewed framework agreement after the fiscal year 2008. The total annual income in 2007 was around 126 million NOK, out of which around 36 million was funded by Norad. The reason for carrying out a review now is to establish a platform for further dialogue before assessing a renewed framework agreement from 2009 onward. Another objective is to present constructive recommendations for SF's developmental efforts. Recently a new general secretary is heading SF, replacing the former who served the organisation for more than 14 years. This shift naturally puts the organisation in a transition position. This review process thus comes timely.