Albania End-line Evaluation of Phase III of the Child Trafficking Response Programme (CTRP)
CTRP phase III in Albania consists in working with/for youth to increase resilience towards risks through two Youth Centers in two project areas and work towards establishment of child protection (CP) mechanism at local level through two Child Protection Units. A comprehensive Impact Monitoring System was designed in 2009, consisting of a Base-line, Mid-line (2010) and the End-line in 2011. The goal of the consultations were to track and measure progress in the lives of targeted children, youths and professionals concerning aspects of knowledge, attitudes and practices related to ability to make solutions that will help them prevent abuse and exploitation. Children’s/youth participation and feedback was at the very core of the impact monitoring system. The direct CTRP beneficiaries of SCiA are 45-50 professionals, around 650 children/youth at risk, 20 peer leaders and around 100 parents. The approximate number of indirect beneficiaries for the first two years of the programmed reached about 2700 children and adolescents from local communities in three project areas.