Final Evaluation, Coastal East Africa Global Initiative, (FY11-FY15)
The Coastal East Africa Global Initiative (CEA GI, or Coastal East Africa Initiative - CEAI) is one of the 13 Global Initiatives (GIs) that the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) embarked on since 2007. GIs were intended to be transformational interventions implemented through concerted WWF Network action to meaningfully impact critical threats, opportunities in support of biodiversity conservation and development targets within priority places or on priority themes. The CEAI is a place-based GI, with a geographical focus on three countries along the East African coast i.e., Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique, and includes also tuna fisheries related work in Madagascar. This area incorporates a number of eco-regions (some fully, some partially) and 9 seascapes / landscapes and as such the programme built on and complemented WWF’s previous and ongoing work in these eco-regions and landscapes. The overall long term goal of the CEAI is formulated as: ‘By 2025, the governments and peoples of the CEA region are effectively controlling decisions over their natural resources and exercise their responsibility for ensuring that key ecosystems and habitats are sustainably managed. The Initiative had three main objectives related to governance and empowerment (particularly emphasising the role of civil society organisations), responsible trade (timber and fisheries), and securing High Conservation Value Areas.