SCNL Organisation Administrative Assessment Report
In 2007 SCN will have been operating in Lao PDR for 10 years. During this time there have been a number of project evaluations which have provided important inputs for the development of the country programme. However, no assessment of the management and administrative capability of the country programme had been previously carried out. On entering a new strategy period, SCN Lao is faced with new demands for ensuring quality of programme, addressing new programme issues and increasing levels of local funding. There have also in recent years been some difficulties related to management style and definition of roles and responsibilities within the country programme. In order to improve the ability of SCN Lao to meet the challenges of the new strategy period, a participatory administrative assessment was carried out in February 2007. The evaluation process was led and owned by SCNL with input from the head office. The assessment team consisted of an international consultant, national management team member from SC Australia and a representative of SCN Head Office.