Review and evaluation of the salvation Army's Asia-Pacific Regional Facilitation Team Project
This evaluation is a shared initiative of NORAD and TSA. For TSA, the multi-year and multi-region project has come during a period of significant change, and it was deemed that the Army and the communities it serves will benefit from a review of practice and external assessment of lessons learned. NORAD, in turn, expressed a need for understanding what has been achieved over this period, leading to a clearer articulation of future objectives and of strategies for achieving them.Faith-based facilitation (FBF) is intended to be a process or approach for deepening relationships across all levels of The Salvation Army operations and programmes. FBF incorporates several different theoretical concepts from social science and development practice, as well as from Salvation Army policies and theology, such as: human capacity development, community driven development, assets based community development, and ‘integrated mission’. It also draws from specific activities and tools, such as SALT (Stimulate, Appreciate, Listen, and Transfer), participatory action research, community asset mapping and facilitation. It thereby aims to be both a way of thinking and doing – as well as provide basic tools to this purpose. This review of the Asia-Pacific Regional Facilitation Team Project followed on the completion of a matched evaluation of the Africa region in 2010.