Program Review of COAST Trust
COAST Trust with the funding assistance from Strømme Foundation (SF) has been implementing SECDI program in Cox’s Bazar and Patuakhali districts with the goal: “by the end of 2013, 26171 households of Coastal part of Cox’s Bazar and Patuakhali districts of Bangladesh are satisfying their livelihood needs in a sustainable manner”. SF has conducted midterm evaluation of the Master Plan in 2012 considering it as a whole in order to improve the quality of the program. However, based on the mutual understanding with COAST Trust, SF further decided to review COAST’s program separately. In this regard an independent consultant has reviewed the program. During this time decision has been taken to review mainly two interventions- Education and People’s Organization in Cox’s Bazar area. Outcomes of this partner specific review will provide relevant information to the ongoing scope of work of COAST Trust; explore why the education interventions implemented by the program succeeded or not; and their capacity to continue and implement such programs.