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Forsiden av dokumentet Community Participation in Local Governance (Maputo, Gaza, Inhambane & Cabo Del Gado)


Community Participation in Local Governance (Maputo, Gaza, Inhambane & Cabo Del Gado) Project Evaluation

The pilot phase of the project was implemented during the period 2005-2008 in six municiplalities: Monte Puez; Mocimba da Pria, Vilanculos, Maxixe/Inhambane, Xai-Xai and Manhica. The project was designed with the following two broad objectives: •To sensitize local churches to develop a working relationship with municipal councils in order to guarantee effective accountability of the later. •To encourage and build capacity of communities to participate in municipal governance by monitoring municipal budgets The objective stems from the partnerships that CCM and NCA have developed over the years at regional level and in particular the civic experiences of both organizations. It is especially worth mentioning the highly renowned project Transforming Arms into Ploughshares (TAE) implemented by CCM in Mozambique and the experience of NCA in establishing a partnership with South African organisations in KwaZulu Natal with the aim of building community capacity to participate in local governance. A common denominator and driving force is the challenge to construct active citizenship, especially at local level.





