African Network for Developmental Disabilities - External Mid Term Evaluation
The African Network for Developmental Disabilities (ANDD) was formed in 2001, with the long-term overarching development goal “to strive for equality in social development of persons with developmental disability, children with disabilities and parents thereby facilitating a standard of living enjoyed by all persons and promoting inclusion at all levels”. The network was formed by ten parent organizations, from southern and eastern Africa. Prior to the formation of the network NFU supported a Parent Mobilisation Resource Group (PMRG) which ran from 1994-1997 with six parents organisations (groups). The foundation of the African Network for Developmental Disabilities was a follow up of this project, which took the step further from focusing on only parents’ mobilisation to strengthening of their organisations and equipping them with knowledge and skills in the realm of advocacy and policy influencing in favour of inclusive society. The purpose of the mid-term evaluation was to “review ANDD’s development as a network and assess the scope and impact of its interventions since 2005”.