Formative Evaluation of the NCA Emergency Preparedness Response Sector in Greater Darfur (2008-2012)
The EPRU (Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit) is a coordinating unit for emergency humanitarian response for NCA DP, started in 2004. EPR sector has provided humanitarian support in form of NFIs to estimated annual average of 60,000 households in both South and West Darfur. Most of the beneficiaries of this assistance include IDPs, new arrivals / displacements, fire cases, flood cases, winterization replacement, and vulnerable persons. The sector works closely in collaboration and coordination with HAC, INGOs, UN and other agencies operating in the programme target areas. To respond to these unpredictable circumstances, the sector sets aside resources for any unforeseen emergencies that may arise. This fund is used to purchase NFIs, provide water, assemble an emergency response team or cover any other costs that might be incurred in responding to a sudden emergency within the programme areas of operation. The sector retains a buffer stock of NFIs for unforeseeable new emergencies on annual basis. In 2011, the buffer stock was increased to 5000 NFI kits to reflect the trend of increased displacement that were witnessed during 2010. The unit enjoys access to the UN logistics pipeline where necessary. Twice a year the sector distributes replenishment NFIs to existing caseloads in camps in coordination with UNJLC. In western Darfur, it’s important to note that, EPR sector is the primary distributor of such assistance in Zalingie camps. The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the relevance, efficiency, sustainability, effectiveness and impact of the EPR of the NCA DP. The evaluation report will be used as an accountability tool to not only donors but all program stakeholders, communities inclusive. Furthermore, the report will detail impact of EPR work and document lessons learnt in implementation, to be used as baselines to demonstrate NCA DP emergency contributions to the humanitarian situation in Darfur.