Informe de Evaluacion Final “Proyecto Crea Belen“
Crea Belen Project was carried from 2008 to 2012. The proposal sought the participation of children and adolescents at risk living in Belen (Iquitos) to develop life skills and other protective factors in them in order to ensure their integrity against social problems of high incidence such as: abuse, sexual exploitation and early sexual infections HIV/ AIDS. The proposal also was geared towards youth empowerment through the training of promoters. It aims at improving their personal, social and management skills to identify, solve problems and develop the ability to be organized as a group and peers to articulate with the community organizations including the district municipality, joining efforts to address and share possible solutions to the needs and problems of children and adolescents in the district. This evaluation aimed to analyse the progress regarding the achievement of outcomes and processes implemented in the four objectives proposed in the project, which were implemented with specific strategies and activities, whose goals and indicators were determined. The evaluation considered as priorities: the effectiveness, efficiency in terms of methodology and strategies implemented as well as the relevance and pertinence of the training materials produced within the project, beneficiary satisfaction and sustainability. It also presents a diagnostic of information, communication, monitoring and evaluation systems strategies.