ADRA Somalia Final Evaluation: Inclusive Education in Post-Conflict Somalia (IEPCS)
Inclusive Education in Post Conflict Somalia (IEPCS) was an education programme supported by NORAD and ADRA Norway and implemented by ADRA Somalia. IEPCS was conceptualized to address some critical gaps in Somalia’s education sector, particularly infrastructure, pupil enrolment, and inclusion of girls in school. IEPCS was designed as a six-month project launched in July 2013 and ending in December 2013. It was an integrated part of the larger Education for Women and Children (EWC) programme operating in Somalia. The goal of the IEPCS project was to ensure that boys and girls of school age in Mogadishu, Afgoye and Baidoa regions attended quality primary school (grades 1-8). The achievement of the goal was to be measured through two broad indicators: additional enrolment of 1000 school-age children, and; 70% of pupils reporting satisfaction with quality of teaching.