Guyana MRV Support : Mid Term Evaluation final report
The climate and forest partnership between the Government of Guyana and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway was initiated in 2009. The goal of this agreement was to ensure close to zero deforestation in Guyana, as one of the worlds net carbon sinks. The partnership is detailed in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and a Joint Concept Note (JCN). The Norwegian government agreed to provide up to US$250 million in performance-based payments to help Guyana transition to a low-carbon green development path. As a follow- up to the Norway-Guyana agreement, Norway has supported Guyana in developing a Monitoring Reporting and Verification System (MRVS) and a mechanism for receiving financial payments for Guyana’s provision of forest carbon-based services. These payments are result-based (RBP) with deforestation and forest degradation measured against an agreed reference level. Guyana’s MRVS also provides a basis for the country to report on its commitments under the Paris Climate Change Agreement, where Guyana has committed to reduce emissions in its forestry and energy sectors. The agreement between Guyana and Norway is one of the first national-scale initiatives to Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, as well as conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+) in the world. The MRV System, supported since 2009, is understood to be a continuous learning process that is progressively improved. This is particularly relevant as the MRVS matures and the trends and drivers of forest change are better understood. The results generated from the MRVS have potential applications to a range of functions relating to policy setting and decision making within the natural resources sector, in particular to forest management. Guyana’s MRV System has over the past five years generated a wealth of data that can be utilized in improving management of the multiple uses of forests. The focus of this assignment is a mid-term review of the current period of MRVS support, for years 6-9 of the projects.
LTS International