Final Evaluation of EECMY Armachiho Food Security Development Project (2008-2010)
The three years AFSDP was implemented in three Kebele Administrations, namely; Kerker Bale-Egzeabhair, Chira Ambezo of Lay Armachiho District and Sabiya Sayina of Gonder Town Adminstration Periphery, North Gonder Zone Amhara Regional State. The project was planned to benefit 4,128 households with family members of 20,640. Major project components were; Natural resources conservation, High land fruit adaptation, engaging poor women in Income generating schemes, WATSAN, HIV/AIDS prevention & control, Gender Development and Capacity Building. Terminal evaluation was conducted at the end of the implementation period, by Zonal and Woreda Government Departments/Offices, the benefiting communities, the implementing partner (EECMY-DASSC) and NCA/E.