Evaluation report on ERA/FoEN institutional capacity and project delivery
Oil and gas extraction, production and activities associated with it in Nigeria and other African communities have created lots of problems for the people and their environment. Environmental pollution arising from oil and gas extractive activities comes by ways of oil spills, gas flaring, industrial discharges and the use and dumping of chemical substances. The problems created for the communities include destruction of farmlands, pollution of rivers and estuaries, air pollution and acid rain, loss of mangrove and fresh water sources and the escalation of conflict situations. In 2007 ERA and Naturvernforbundet started cooperating on a project aimed at giving capacity to the various actors involved to understand the issues, and implement processes geared towards reduction, if not total elimination, of the identified problems. Nigeria has been in focus, with financial support from Norad’s “Oil for Development” programme. Especially from 2010 the scope has been enlarged, as support from Norad’s “Environmental Movements in the South “ programme made it possible to include the work of the Oilwatch Africa network, where ERA is the leading organization.