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Forsiden av dokumentet Norwegian business in China: Intentions and impacts


Norwegian business in China: Intentions and impacts A study of knowledge networks, innovation and competitive advantage

The Norwegian Government has prioritized China for increased bilateral research cooperation. A new bilateral agreement on research and technology at central governmental level is expected to be signed this fall. On this background the Research Council has in recent years increased its systematic work to facilitate increased research cooperation with China. But the Chinese culture, financial instruments, means and grant systems are different from ours. The Research Council has therefore also invested in understanding the Chinese research and innovation system, for example through participating in OECD’s review of the Chinese innovation system, and established contact with the major players. This report highlights significant developments in China, key features of the Chinese innovation system and how some Norwegian firms have adapted to this system. The report contributes to our understanding of the Chinese system, and is one of several inputs to our development of actions plans towards increased cooperation with China.



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