Mongolia 10605 SPH 2 midterm evaluation 2015
NLM has been working in Mongolia since 1994 in several areas of development. The Strengthening Primary Health Care Project (SPH) was based on an initiative from the Ministry of Health and previous experience from the successful implementation of “Health Development Project” in Darkhan and Selenge provinces from 1998-2008. A “Memorandum of Understanding” with the Ministry of Health and Governor’s Offices and Aimag Health Departments of Khovd, Govi-Altai and Bayan-Ulgii aimags was established during the first project period in 2008-2012. Since 2013, the project is implementing its second five-year period in all the aforementioned provinces. The project addresses the weak primary health care in Mongolia with special focus on low management capacity of province health administrations, provider centered and low quality primary health care services, as well as little health knowledge and unhealthy attitudes among the community. The purpose of the mid-term evaluation was to assess the implementation process so far; analyze the accomplishments against project documents; identify issues and recommend further corrections; and present lessons to be learned.