Evaluation of the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund)
See summary in English below. Presentasjon av evalueringsrapporten - norsk Norfund skal støtte næringsutvikling i utviklingsland, gjennom å investere i etablering og utvikling av bærekraftige bedrifter i fattige land. Selskapet er en av de største enkeltsatsingene i norsk bistand. Denne evalueringsrapporten vurderer Norfunds rolle i norsk utviklingspolitikk. Hovedrapporten inneholder evalueringens viktigste funn og presenterer evidensgrunnlaget i en serie vedlegg. Et eget vedlegg inneholder et datasett som ligger til grunn for en del av rapportens analyser. Presentation of the evalution report - English Norfund – the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries – is a state-owned company mandated to invest in establishment and development of sustainable commercial businesses in lower income developing countries. Funding is provided via capital allocations and grants from Norway’s development assistance budget. This evaluation looks at Norfund’s role as an instrument in Norwegian development policy. The main report presents the result of the evaluation, with annexes presenting the evidence base. A separate file includes the dataset underlying the analysis presented in the report. A final version of the report has been uploaded after it was published, with improved graphical readability in some of the figures and a small adjustment in footnote 7. (March 16, 2015)
Gaia Consulting Ltd.